Recorded in Las Cruces, NM 2022
- 1 Kings Chapter 1. David’s son presumes to be king, David proclaims Solomon king.
- 1 Kings Chapter 2. David instructs Solomon then dies.
- 1 Kings Chapter 3. Solomon prays for wisdom.
- 1 Kings Chapter 4. Solomon sets up his administration.
- 1 Kings Chapter 5. Solomon prepares to build the Temple.
- 1 Kings Chapter 6. Solomon builds the Temple.
- 1 Kings Chapter 7. Solomon continues his building activity.
- 1 Kings Chapter 8. Solomon dedicates the Temple.
- 1 Kings Chapter 9. God appears to Solomon a second time.
- 1 Kings Chapter 10. The queen of Sheba visits Solomon.
- 1 Kings Chapter 11. Solomon takes many wives which turns his heart away from God.
- 1 Kings Chapter 12. The revolt against Rehoboam – A kingdom divided.
- 1 Kings Chapter 13. The story of the Man of God and the prophecy of Judah’s destruction.
- 1 Kings Chapter 14. Judgment of the house of Jeroboam.
- 1 Kings Chapter 15. Abijam and Asa reign in Judah, Nabad reigns in Israel.
- 1 Kings Chapter 16. Baash, Elah, Zimri, Omri then Ahab reign in Israel.
- 1 Kings Chapter 17. Elijah proclaims a drought.
- 1 Kings Chapter 18. Elijah’s message to Ahab.
- 1 Kings Chapter 19. Elijah escapes from Jezebel.
- 1 Kings Chapter 20. Ahab defeats the Syrians.
- 1 Kings Chapter 21. Naboth is murdered from his vineyard.
- 1 Kings Chapter 22. Ahab dies in battle.