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2010 – 2011
- Genesis 1:1-31 Opening address.
- Genesis 2 The creation account continued.
- Genesis 2 part 2 – The creation of woman and the fall.
- Genesis 3:15-4:17 Adam’s curse and the story of Cain and Abel.
- Genesis 5:21-6:22 Genesis 6, the sons of God and the Nephilim.
- Genesis 6:12-7:24 The building of the ark and the flood.
- Genesis 8 One year on the boat.
- Genesis 9:18-10:32 Noah in his drunken estate and chapter 10: The table of nations.
- Genesis 11 The Tower of Babel.
- Genesis 12 The selection of a people.
- Genesis 13 The faith principle lived out.
- Genesis 14 Abram’s faith test in battle.
- Genesis 15 Abram fears he will not have an heir so God cuts a covenant with Abram.
- Genesis 15 The Abrahamic Covenant in the Book of Romans.
- Genesis 16 The conflict in the family of Abram.
- Genesis 17 The sign of the covenant & the stipulations of the covenant.
- Genesis 18 The three strangers meet Abraham and tell him of the son of promise.
- Genesis 19 The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.
- Sodom Thru Scripture.
- Genesis 20 Abraham and Sarah learn they are truly husband and wife.
- Genesis 21 Abraham and Sarah finally have an heir.
- Genesis 22 Abraham’s greatest test of all. God directs Abraham to off up his only son.
- Genesis 23 Sarah dies in the promised land.
- Genesis 24 The search for a wife for Isaac.
- Genesis 24 – Part 2. The search for a wife for Isaac.
- Genesis 25 Abraham is buried with Sarah and the struggle with Jacob and Esau.
- Genesis 26 Isaac’s life in a nutshell, or like father like son.
- Genesis 27 Isaac gives the younger son the blessing. Oh what a strange family this is.
- Genesis 28 Jacob and Esau travel to mother’s land to find a wife. But Jacob has an encounter with God.
- Genesis 29 Jacob gets a wife but with strings attached.
- Genesis 30 Jacob, Leah, Rachel, Bilhah & Zilpah give birth to the 12 children who become the 12 tribes of Israel.
- Genesis 30:25-31:21 Jacob makes a deal with the father in law, and Jacob wins because God is with him even though he is out of the land.
- Genesis 31:22_54 Jacob and Labon make a Mizpah covenant and part.
- Genesis 32 Jacob continues his journey home, meets some angels in a camp, and ends up wrestling with God.
- Genesis 33 Jacob and Esau finally meet after 20 years.
- Genesis 34 The story of Dinah and the twelve brothers.
- Genesis 35 Jacob and his family return to Bethel, they put off all their pagan gods and the last of the 12 boys is born on the deathbed of Rachel.
- Genesis 36 Esau’s genealogy (tol-dot). The genealogy of Edom.
- Genesis 37 The opening history of Joseph.
- Genesis 37:28-38:26 The story of Judah in the scheme to sell Joseph and his family life in the Canaanite culture.
- Genesis 38:26-39:23 Joseph’s time in Potiphar’s house and the false accusation of his wife against Joseph. He then is sent to prison and rises to the occasion.
- Genesis 39 Joseph as a slave in Egypt in the house of Potiphar. He is given increasing responsibility, until Potiphar’s wife decides to try to seduce him.
- Genesis 40 Joseph interprets dreams.
- Genesis 41 Joseph interprets Pharaoh’s dream and is promoted to second in all the land.
- Genesis 42 Joseph’s brothers come to Egypt to buy food, but Joseph has a test for them.
- Genesis 43 The brother’s return to Egypt with Benjamin.
- Genesis 44 Joseph tests his brothers.
- Genesis 45 Joseph reveals himself to his brothers and send them back to Canaan to return with their father.
- Genesis 46 Jacob and the whole family moved to Egypt and Jacob finally meets Joseph.
- Genesis 47 Jacob and the family settle and prosper in the land of Goshen as all of Egypt sell themselves for food.
- Genesis 48 Joseph hears of his father’s illness and brings his sons to get a blessing.
- Genesis 49 Jacob gives his final blessing to all the sons.
- Genesis 50 Joseph’s last days.