
Bible Greek Vpod was created in 2006 in order to promote the learning of the Greek of the New Testament. What started as a simple idea to place three to five minute video segments online has turned into a very popular learning site where both a complete grammar book and video series provide a complete self contained program. John Pappas used the grammar book as the basis for his dissertation in 2008.

We are dedicated to providing quality free Biblical resources to the public. The primary goal is to provide resources for the following:

    • Biblical Languages
    • Language Studies
    • Theology

Contact: John Pappas at jpap39*hotmail.com (please replace the star with the @ symbol)

John Pappas received his BS in Physics from the University of Texas Dallas; MA in Biblical languages from Tyndale Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas; MDiv., Th.M and Th.D from Scofield Graduate School, Modesto, California.