- The Gospel of Mark Introduction.
- Mark 1:14-45. The works of Jesus.
- Mark 2:1-12. The paralytic is healed.
- Mark 2:13-22. The Call of Matthew.
- Mark 2:23-3:11. The controversy over the Sabbath.
- Mark 3:13-45. The Scribes commit the unpardonable sin.
- Mark 4:1-20. The Parables.
- Mark 4:21-41. The Parables continued.
- Mark 5:1-20. Demons are cast out into swine.
- Mark 5:21-43. Jesus raises the dead.
- Mark 6:1-31. Jesus rejected at Nazareth.
- Mark 6:31-56. The feeding of the five thousand.
- Mark 7:1-37.Jesus’ encounter with the Pharisees.
- Mark 8:1-26.The feeding of the four thousand.
- Mark 8:27-39.The cost of discipleship.
- Mark 9:14-50.The Passion Discourse.
- Mark 10:1-31.Lessons on Faith.
- Mark 10:32-52.The Passion Discourse 2.
- Mark 11:1-26.Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.
- Mark 11:27-12:17.The parable of the vineyard owner.
- Mark 12:18-34.The Jewish leadership question Jesus.
- Mark 12:35-44.Jesus condemns the leadership.
- Mark 13:1-13.The Olivet Discourse I.
- Mark 13:14-27.The Olivet Discourse II.
- Mark 13:14-27.The Olivet Discourse II.
- Mark 13:28-14:9.The Second Coming.
- Mark 14:10-25.The Passover meal.
- Mark 14:26-52.Jesus prays at Gethsemane.
- Mark 14:53-72.Jesus’ trial before the Sanhedrin.
- Mark 15:1-26. Jesus’ civil trial before Pilate.
- Mark 15:25-47. Jesus is crucified.
- Mark 16:1-20. The resurrection of Jesus.