2009 – 2010
- John 1:1-13 Opening address.
- John 1:14-34 The Word become flesh.
- John 1:35-51 The first disciples selected.
- John 2:1-22 Water turned to wine.
- John 2:23-3:16 The new birth.
- John 3:16-36 The new birth continued.
- John 4:1-26 The Samaritan woman.
- John 4:28-54 The wheat harvest and the Savior of the world.
- John 5:1-23 The man healed at the pool.
- John 5:23-47 Life and judgment in the Son.
- John 6:1-21 Jesus is the Bread of Life.
- John 6:41-59 Jesus is rejected.
- John 6:60-71 Jesus has to change the heart of man.
- John 7:1-31 Jesus’ brothers.
- John 7:32-52 The promise of the Holy Spirit.
- John 8:1-30 The story of the adulteress.
- John 8:31-59 Before Abraham was, I AM.
- John 9:1-34 The blind man receives sight.
- John 9:35-10:3 Jesus gives sight to those who believe.
- John 10:1-18 Jesus the Good Shepherd
- John 10:19-42 The Shepherd knows His sheep.
- John 11:1-27 The death of Lazarus.
- John 11:28-55 The last enemy.
- John 11:55-12:19 Jesus the resurrection and the life part 2.
- John 12:20-33 Jesus and the parable of the wheat seed.
- John 12:34-50 Jesus and the doctrine of the hardened heart.
- John 13:1-17 Jesus washes the disciples’ feet.
- John 13:18-38 The new covenant.
- John 14:1-14 The Way the Truth and the Life.
- John 14:15-24 Jesus promises another Helper.
- John 14:19-5:8 Jesus is the true vine.
- John 15:9-27 The world hates Jesus.
- John 16:1-24 The work of the Holy Spirit.
- John 16:25-17:26 Jesus prays before his arrest.
- John 18:1-38 Jesus’ arrest and hearing before Annas.
- John 18:38-19:30 Jesus before Pilate. The Silence of the Lamb of God.
- John 19:28-37 Jesus the passover lamb fulfills prophecy.
- John 19:38-20:18 Jesus buried in a rich man’s tomb.
- John 20-21 Jesus’ final teaching by illustration to the disciples.